#Write a python program to store all the programming languages known to you using #Set a={ "python" , "java" , "javascript" , "c++" } print(type(a)) # Write a python program to store your own information {name, age, gender, so on..} a={ "rajendra" , 18 , "male" } print(a) #Write a Python script to find if “Python” is present in the set thisset = {"Java", #"Python", "Django"} thisset={ "java" , "python" , "Django" } print( "python" in thisset) #Write a python program to add items from another set to the current set. thisset = #{"Java", "Python", "SQL"} #secondset= {"C", "Cpp", "NoSQL" a={ "java" , "python" , "sql" } b=( "c" , "cpp" , "nosql" ) print(a.union(b)) #Write a python program to add elements of list to a set #thisset = {...